The Hate Me For Sharing “Secrets”!

GC Rosario Group
10 min readJan 17, 2022

By George L. Rosario, Bible Based Business Consultant at GC Rosario Group

The More You Give Away To Others, The More You’ll Get In Return

I was attacked on social media because I am giving away information that some pretend is secret information. I’ve decided to share my knowledge of business, of the industry, of social media marketing, of running a bible-based business, of growing businesses from start-up to top 10 in several industries, etc. I was attacked because I am giving away the information that some coaches and trainers are charging you lots of money for.

Before I go into the attacks themselves, let me tell you why I decided to share my knowledge with the public, free of charge via my blogs. As a young man, I grew up without money. My parents were paycheck to paycheck parents, often running into financial problems, and often making sacrifices they did not need to make in order to put food on the table. I am not angry at mom and dad. I absolutely love them and appreciate all they sacrificed for my siblings and I. See, they did what they could with the information they had.

In my teenage years, I started spending time with people who were successful in business and studying what made them successful. I spent time with some of them in person, and spent time reading about others in books and publications. I consumed as much information as I could about people who were “making it” and stopped listening to people who were not. What I learned was that the most successful (and happier) ones were willing to share their knowledge and information free of charge. This changed my life.

Fast forward to the present time. I am a fairly successful businessman with a great track record of helping small businesses and large corporations make positive changes in their practices which led to substantial growth and success. Along the way, I’ve met with some highly successful people who hired me as a consultant to add to their success, and who happily shared what had taken them to their current status. I learned of an interesting pattern, which I mentioned before; the more successful the person, the more comfortable they were with sharing the strategies, actions, partnerships, practices, influences and industry wisdom that made them a success.

I also learned that often, those hiring me as a consultant were at a level of success that was impressive, but they were interested in becoming better tomorrow than their were today. The world’s most successful people didn’t get to that level because they got comfortable. They got to that level because they understand that there’s always room for improvement. Successful people are willing to invest much of their money and time to becoming better in their field, and the happier ones also invest much of their money and time becoming better in all areas of their lives. I can often tell you who is successful and who is not by how willing they are to invest in their own growth. Those that are destined to stay small, and even go out of business never see the value of mentors, coaches and business consultants.

So if I work as a consultant, why am I willing to give you much of the information for free? That’s simple! Information is a tool that in the hands of the right person is much like a set of construction tools in the hands of a master general contractor like my son George L. Rosario Jr. (yes, I just plugged my son’s business). The tools are only as good as the experienced hands they are placed in. See, you can put a million dollar hammer in my hands, and a one dollar hammer in my son’s hand, and he will build you a better home. I can give you a million dollar strategy to grow your business, but unless you know what to actually do with it, that million dollar strategy is as useless as a million dollar hammer in my hands.

I give away information because I would love see people do it themselves. As a professional Realtor, I put an information packet in the hands of all homeowners who wanted to sell their home on their own (For Sale by Owner aka FSBO). I titled it, 86 Things I Will Do To Sell Your Home. Many of the home owners decided to try to sell their home on their own using the information I gave them. They usually called me before they got past the first 5 steps. The information was not exaggerated or fake. It was truly what I do to sell luxury homes around the United States. It is great information, if you know how to apply it correctly.

You will find great business growth strategies and information in my blog posts. Much of it is information that us consultants use when helping your business or organization grow. I’ve helped everything from small churches with less than 40members, to large mega churches with more than 40,000 members. I’ve helped small businesses with 1 or 2 employees, to major corporations with 1,000 to 20,000 employees. Everyone, regardless of how big or small, has room for growth. All you have to do is invest in the professionals who can apply the strategies, actions and plans that will make growth happen.

I promised I was going to tell you about the verbal attacks. Apparently, there are some pros who think that there are industry secrets that are not supposed to be shared with non-industry people. I was told that it is “unprofessional” and “counterproductive” to give away the secrets we consultants charge for. One consultant (whom I will not name) said that one of his clients was leaving him because he was going to start implementing the strategies he found on my blogs at BlogSpot. He threatened to sue me if I didn’t stop giving away the information he uses to feed his family. Interesting enough, they are the same blogs I am sharing with you on here, without asking you to subscribe or pay me for them.

Read my blogs and apply as much of the information within them to your business, your ministry, your church, your corporation or your organization. If it proves helpful, awesome, I am glad I was able to help. Instead of paying me in cash for helping you, share the info with someone else it may help. If you find it overwhelming, or just not right for your project, schedule a complimentary (ALSO FREE) 30 minute consultation with me. Let’s talk about it.

In the FREE consultation, which we will do over Zoom, I will listen to your goals and let you know if there is anything I can do to help. If you decide you need my professional consulting services, I will still give you a promise that if the service I provide does not produce some level of growth for your organization, I will give you your money back. I don’t know of one consulting firm that does this. You have nothing to lose and so much to possibly gain.

To all the haters who are upset that I’ve given your secrets away; I’ll ease your pain. None of these strategies are secrets. As a matter of fact, none of them are mine. I’ve borrowed all of them from a few places that anyone and everyone has access to. Let’s start with the place where I get most of my information.

I read the Bible daily and I’ve learned that it is an operations manual for all areas of our lives, including the area of business and money management. I find that the entire Bible can help you make your company or organization better. Every tool about how to treat people, how to treat your money, how to treat others in your industry (the haters need to read these), how to treat your workers, how to approach growth, how to approach struggles, how to overcome adversity, how to design a better model, how to enlarge your territory, etc., etc., and AMEN etc. These days you can get a FREE Bible by walking into almost any Bible-Based Christian church and asking for one. You can also get one from many online Bible societies, all for free. There are even Christian radio stations that give them away. Want to get a free Bible? Connect with me here. YES, I said FREE!!!

I’ve also read other great entrepreneur geared books that help me, like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, The 5am Club by Robin Sharma, Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman, The Four-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action by Simon Sinek, The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy, Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, The $100 Startup by Chris Gillebeau, Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk, The Entrepreneur Mind by Kevin D. Johnson, Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder, Rework by Jason Fried & David Hansson, The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz, My Philosophy for Successful Living by Jim Rohn, and many others.

Look, my clients don’t pay me for information. My clients pay me because I know how to customize a plan of action around the information that helps them in their business or organization. My clients pay me because instead of having to do all the research themselves and then devising a plan on how to use it, they can hire me to organize it, implement it and take them to the next level. So I will give it all away daily. I will continue to share it with anyone that wants to read it. If it helps some without them having to hire me, that’s great! It proves that the information is solid, real and credible. If it overwhelms them and they see that there is truly value to what a great consultant brings to the table, great also. They can hire me by visiting my website HERE or by contacting me via my contact information HERE. And if all you feel you need is someone to come in and speak to your crew, we provide speaking services for all sizes of events. I’ve spoken in rooms as small as 10 people and as large as 5,000. Let’s talk about it.

***ALL Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Industry Leaders, Sales People & C Level Professionals Must Hire a Public Speaking Coach If They Want To Compete and Win In Today’s Professional Arena***

  • [Hire George L. Rosario to speak at your next event ***VISIT WEBSITE***]

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Claudia P. Rosario: LinkedIn / Facebook / Instagram
The Kingdom Road: YouTube / Facebook / Instagram
GC Rosario Group: LinkedIn / Facebook / Instagram

Want to increase your organization’s productivity and stay ahead of the competition? Visit our website here, sign up for our newsletter here, hire George L. Rosario to speak to your leadership, continue reading our blog, and schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation to learn how to stay ahead of the game and help your team reach its full potential. So, take the first steps to success with a smarter, more innovative leadership team!

Let’s talk about it.

*** Don’t forget to schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation.

For information on how to hire #GeorgeTheSpeaker to speak at your next event, visit today.

Contact GC Rosario Group and discover why George L. Rosario & Claudia P. Rosario are the market’s best kept secret.

Schedule your Complimentary 30 Minute Consultation with George L. Rosario today.

**For more information about our Kingdom Road Trip, Rosarios Everywhere mission, or to find out how you can partner with us on this national journey, email Claudia at**


George L. Rosario, #GeorgeTheSpeaker with GC Rosario Group

George L. Rosario is a Brooklyn NY born & raised businessman & entrepreneur. He started GC Rosario Group with his lovely wife Claudia to bring his expertise to others. With over 30 years of service to the marketplace nationwide, George has now expanded his office to from NYC to South Florida. He travels the country helping businesses and organizations thrive in today’s changing professional landscape. Changes in the economy have opened new doors of opportunity, growth and prosperity for innovative thinkers. George & Claudia Rosario help companies, businesses, organizations and teams develop the necessary skillset and plan of action to thrive in this new marketplace. GC Rosario Group helps organizations of all sizes meet their goals. George is the author of From Rituals to Relationships, which takes an in-depth look at how we approach our personal, professional and spiritual life, and how they intertwine.

Every day is a good day when you do what you love and love what you do.” — George L. Rosario

George L. Rosario and Claudia P. Rosario Lead The Luxe Stone Group (National Real Estate Professionals)

No one knows luxury real estate like George L. Rosario and Claudia P. Rosario of the Luxe Stone Group (with Canvas). When you are ready to receive the luxury treatment, contact the team that knows luxury homes. With over 30 years of collective experience, you will definitely experience a much higher level of professionalism than with any other team. You can contact George and Claudia for all your luxury home needs (selling or buying) by contacting Claudia directly via

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GC Rosario Group

A BBB Consulting Group managed by George L. Rosario #GeorgeTheSpeaker, dedicated to breathing life into your new or existing business or organization.