Bosses Get Served. Leaders Serve.

GC Rosario Group
9 min readDec 29, 2021

The Greatest Leaders Are Focused on Serving and Lifting Up Their Followers
By George L. Rosario, Bible Based Business Consultant at GC Rosario Group

People have a skewed view of what leader ship truly is. If we ask those in Hollywood, a leader is someone that walks into a room and bosses people around getting them to do what they want them to do by exerting power through position, wealth, Control, and the stern hand. If we ask people in government, they might say that leader ship is when an individual or a group of individuals force their own ideology on others through mandates and power-hungry intimidation. If you ask people in organized religion, some may tell you that the guy wearing the fancier garment and the bigger hat is someone we are supposed to be bowing down to. And even in business, if you asked some people they might tell you that a leader is someone who pushes others and makes things happen by enforcing his own will and his own rules.

After studying thousands upon thousands of successful leaders in organizations, companies, teams, administrations, government agencies, public and private sector entities, churches, non-for-profit organizations, social clubs, small businesses, corporations, schools, and even families, I’ve come to the conclusion that the word leadership is synonymous with the word service. A leader, one that is truly worthy of being called a leader and worthy of being followed, comes to serve those who follow him.

One of the greatest leaders of our modern history, Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.” Martin Luther King Jr. believed in serving others. He lived his life in service to the community, the whole community regardless of who they were or what they looked like. This great man served until the day of his untimely death. His serving heart has made him one of the most beloved, celebrated and emulated public figures of our time.

Too many wannabe leaders focus on the position as a sign of success, rather than focusing on doing a great job regardless of the title or position. I read a great quote from Scott Drake that read, “You don’t get the promotion, then start leading. You earn the promotion because you’re already leading.” Stop chasing the title. Focus on doing a job great done and all the titles and promotions will be offered to you. Interesting enough, some of the world’s greatest leaders turned down promotions and titles because they found great pleasure in the current situation, and many of them became the leaders of their companies and organizations without the fancy titles.

When I think of great leaders in today’s marketplace, I think of people like Gary Vaynerchuk who says, “The person that gives the value first has the leverage”, and “Give value. Give value, Give value. And then ask for business.” Gary Vee has a serve them first approach to his business and towards his people. Gary doesn’t just focus on providing value and service the client, but Gary provides value and service to his people. He’s the type of leader that followers never want to leave because his charismatic, empathetic style of leading creates an culture that people want to be a part of. One of my favorite Gary Vaynerchuk quotes is, “Leaders work for their employees.

CEO and respected businessman Max De Pree once said, “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.” Max’s beliefs shaped his approach to his work and personal life, business management, and organizational leadership. Great business leaders still read his books Leadership Is an Art, Leadership Jazz, Leading without Power, Called to Serve, and Dear Zoe. In these best selling books, he let his commitment to Christianity become very evident, and how his faith shaped the way he lived his life. It also shaped his leadership style. Max was predictable in that he would be the same man whether he was in front of many at board meetings, or if he was consulting clients, or when speaking to the many or on a one-on-one session. He lived his life in pursuit for ways to serve others, and thus became a leader worth following.

Harvey S. Firestone, the founder of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company once said, “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” Henry understood the importance of lifting others up through service and support. The main library of Princeton University is named Firestone Library in his honor. It is among the largest university libraries in the world. On August 3, 1950, the Harvey S Firestone Memorial, a large sculpture ensemble dedicated to Firestone, created by sculptors James Earle Fraser and Donald De Lue was dedicated. It is located at Bridgestone Firestone Inc., 1200 Firestone Parkway in Akron, Ohio. In 1974, Firestone was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame. Firestone High School in Akron, Ohio, is named in his honor. There is a Harvey S Firestone Park in Columbiana, Ohio. The town Harbel in Liberia, home to Firestone’s rubber plantation, the largest in the world, is named after Firestone and his wife Idabelle. This is the impact a serving and giving leader can have on the people he leads. He went beyond tires to become one of the most beloved businessmen in the history of US business.

The great Dave Ramsey said “If you help enough people, you don’t have to worry about money.” This is true with leaders. If you help the people you lead, you will not have to worry about success, money or recognition. Serve the people you lead. Lift up those who are coming up behind you. Protect your people. Make your organization’s success matter to your team. Make it about them. Dave Ramsey has been one of the most respected wealth and leadership trainers in the industry. I know that’s not his official title, but believe me, this man knows how to bring Bible principles to the Marketplace. The reason I started a Bible Based Business Consulting firm is because businesses need to learn how to keep their businesses ethical, and use their career or profession to bring glory to God. We do this by remembering that Jesus came to serve, not to be served. Let the Word guide your walk in business.

Most recently, I saw a video by Matt Sapaula recently. This entrepreneur is brave enough to speak about the Bible openly, and tell people in his business circle that he is a believer and that he bases his business practices on Biblical principles. I’ve often heard him mention that he believes wholeheartedly in taking care of the people that work for him, work with him and hire him to work on them. He serves at home, at the office, on YouTube, in interviews, and in person. He believes that service to others is at the forefront of success, and that without being a serving leader, you will never be successful in any endeavor. I’ve noticed the more he’s professed his faith in God and in The Word, and the more he’s focused on serving others as God’s Word commands us to do, the more growth he’s experienced in his business.

I’ve been studying great service oriented leaders and what I’ve noticed is that they experience greater, and more sustainable growth and success than those who are self-centered. I’ve noticed that bosses (those who boss people around) may experience success, some even experiencing a great level of success, but their wins are often temporary. Those who help create success stories for others end up building businesses and organizations that create a legacy for themselves and for future generations. Leaders are not bosses. All great leaders who experienced success that lasted were service oriented. What kind of leader are you? Would your team, your colleagues, your coworkers, your employees and your followers characterize you as a leader or a boss? Let’s talk about it.

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George L. Rosario, #GeorgeTheSpeaker with GC Rosario Group

George L. Rosario is a Brooklyn NY born & raised businessman & entrepreneur. He started GC Rosario Group with his lovely wife Claudia to bring his expertise to others. With over 30 years of service to the marketplace nationwide, George has now expanded his office to from NYC to South Florida. He travels the country helping businesses and organizations thrive in today’s changing professional landscape. Changes in the economy have opened new doors of opportunity, growth and prosperity for innovative thinkers. George & Claudia Rosario help companies, businesses, organizations and teams develop the necessary skillset and plan of action to thrive in this new marketplace. GC Rosario Group helps organizations of all sizes meet their goals. George is the author of From Rituals to Relationships, which takes an in-depth look at how we approach our personal, professional and spiritual life, and how they intertwine.

Every day is a good day when you do what you love and love what you do.” — George L. Rosario

George L. Rosario and Claudia P. Rosario Lead The Luxe Stone Group (National Real Estate Professionals)

No one knows luxury real estate like George L. Rosario and Claudia P. Rosario of the Luxe Stone Group (with Canvas). When you are ready to receive the luxury treatment, contact the team that knows luxury homes. With over 30 years of collective experience, you will definitely experience a much higher level of professionalism than with any other team. You can contact George and Claudia for all your luxury home needs (selling or buying) by contacting Claudia directly via

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GC Rosario Group

A BBB Consulting Group managed by George L. Rosario #GeorgeTheSpeaker, dedicated to breathing life into your new or existing business or organization.